Apology to Commenters

January 16, 2014

I real shame!

Let’s start this over shall we?

I NEED to apologize to everyone (except the spammers) who commented ages ago and whose comments I only recently approved and responded to. I neglected to install WordPress on my iPhone and life got in the way of me posting long before that happened.

Thank you for your comments and I look forward to engaging you more in 2014 as I build my business, my brand and reach out to you more than ever!

Warmest Regards for 2014 & Beyond,

First post of 2014 with Video

January 7, 2014

So I’ve finally installed WordPress on my iPhone, over a year after having it. That means I’ll be more likely to post pics, videos and stories. I just hope I don’t post my “personal photos” accidentally! 😜

Check out the video here!

The purpose of this revised blog is to be more open with readers about what makes me tick, how things in the world work and to help everyone better understand what’s going on in the world around them in a way they can appreciate.

I’ll also be uploading to YouTube so check out my channel – guess what it’s called.

Watch this space to find out more of what’s happening in the life of the Superlative1.

iPhone vs. Voyager

November 13, 2007

Now I don’t know who besides me is slightly obsessed with cellular technology and cell phones in general, however it appears as though the reason for Apple releasing the officially unlocked iPhone and getting them onto the market earlier than anticipated may NOT be due to them being the most wonderful people EVER!

It comes due to the fact that whenever technology is created that goes a step further than previous devices did, it takes a while, but that technology is replicated, usually in a year’s time. It would appear though that the wonderful people at LG have learned a trick or two in a relatively short space of time and are bringing out their new fangled phone which DOES look like something out of Star Trek and rightfully, they’re calling it Voyager. Click here to get a look at the phone which is not yet available in Zone 1. Something tells me it’ll come out somewhere around the time when iPhones are up for grabs. This could be the phone that did for Verizon what the iPhone did for AT&T.

Hmmm… maybe I should change the type of phone I want for my birthday